Information, Data and Research on Children’s Health in Florida
State Specific Child Health Data
The Children’s Hospital Association’s Resource for Interactive Child Health (RICH) database has been updated into the updated State of Children’s Health interactive dashboard to help educate policymakers, the public and more on the status of children’s health in their state and congressional districts. A printable factsheet is available that can be tailored to highlight state-specific and some congressional-level data.
Data includes:
- health insurance coverage
- access to health care services, including children’s hospitals
- special health care needs
- socioeconomic status
- adverse experiences
- food security
The dashboard is regularly updated. Find it here: Resource for Interactive Child Health (RICH) Data Dashboard
Children’s Hospitals Landscape Report Q4 - 2023
Download the Children’s Hospitals Landscape Report for Q4 – 2023 here.
Best and Worst States for Children's Health Care
Wallet Hub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 35 key indicators of cost, quality and access to children’s health care. The data set ranges from share of children aged 0-17 in excellent or very good health, to pediatricians and family doctors per capita. Florida ranked 41st overall.
Get the breakdown and learn more about individual indicator rankings.
2023 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report
For the 21st year, AHRQ is reporting on healthcare quality and disparities. The annual National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report is mandated by Congress to provide a comprehensive overview of the quality of healthcare received by the general U.S. population and disparities in care experienced by different racial and socioeconomic groups. The report is produced with the help of an Interagency Work Group led by AHRQ.
Click here to access the report.
Pediatric Workforce Shortages
The Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) assessed the current pediatric workforce vacancies and appointment wait times at children’s hospitals across the country in the fall of 2023. The results show continued shortages across pediatric care fields with an outsized impact on mental and behavioral health specialties.
To learn more, click here.
Governors’ FY 2025 Proposed Funding for Pediatric Behavioral Health Initiatives
This tracker allows users to sort by state and by five different priority areas. It also highlights proposed funding directed to children’s hospitals. CHA is currently working on a tracker of final state budgets by the fall.
FACH and KidCare
FACH member hospitals take an active role in ensuring children are enrolled in health care coverage that meets their unique needs. All children are provided with care regardless of their family’s ability to pay. FACH members also assist families with applying for appropriate Florida KidCare programs. FACH partners with the Healthy Kids Corporation to provide ongoing training for hospital staff to assist families and FACH is available to all member hospitals to provide technical assistance with Florida KidCare enrollment. Children’s needs do not end when they leave the walls of our hospitals, and our members provide assistance and follow up to make sure our patients can access the care that will keep them healthy and safe.